Several 'low cost' brands have chosen to offer their customers personalized bags, slippers, wallets and other clothing.
Personalization, as the maximum expression of exclusivity, had been, until recently, a domain reserved for luxury. Before it was done by big fashion houses for wealthy people, now any pocket can afford it. The 'low cost' conquers all. “A few decades ago, Dior only embroidered the initials on the bags, now Zara does it. It is a trend”, says Raquel Díez, stylist for the regional television network. For less than 100 euros it was impossible to find a quality bag with the letters sewn on, now you can get it for 20 euros in some Inditex stores. After breaking stock several times with personalized bags, now, with an eye on Loewe's alphabet scarves, it's the turn of scarves at Zara.
Actually, it is a trend that has never finished disappearing. In what trousseau was there not a sheet and towels with the initials of the couple? What senior manager did not wear his suit identified? “My first job was as an apprentice to a tailor 27 years ago, who had his establishment opposite the Gran Hotel de Zaragoza. All the wealthy clients who visited us, ordered us to embroider their shirts with their initials”, says the stylist. Fashion has evolved over the years and little by little it has been taken from day to day: the children's smocks with their names so as not to lose them or those of the teachers so that they can be identified in the room that everyone shares. Now it has conquered handbags, travel bags, sneakers and other garments in various low-cost brands.
Celebrities from all over the planet have been showing their personalized garments on social networks in recent months, drawing the attention of consumers. This was done by Jennifer López, who was photographed with leggings where "Jlo" could be seen and a drink container with hundreds of diamonds where the artist's initials could also be distinguished, Paula Echevarría wore a mask where the "P" stood out and some glasses with their initials, and other influencers such as María Pombo marked some suitcases with their initials; Anabel Mua, mobile covers or the Aragonese Teresa Sanz, different garments. It is a fever that goes through clothes and reaches other objects such as covers for phones, computers and other accessories. In short, making the brand your initials is the current trend.
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— Sales Agency Tue Apr 28 15:11:30 +0000 2020
José Luis Gil, who has a company in Zaragoza dedicated to clothing embroidery, points out that orders related to putting initials on different garments "have skyrocketed 100%". “Before nothing was done, but since the pandemic began, it is one of the requests that I receive the most. It started with the masks. In particular, citizens who sewed their own masks came to customize them. Now it has spread especially to handbags, backpacks, travel bags, hats and even glasses cases”, says Gil.
Specifically, “customers, who are usually middle-aged women, usually ask for a size around 4 centimeters and a Roman letter, Carolina Herrera style. They do not demand cursive because it is less readable and another of the things they also ask for is that it be a thick letter, so that it can be clearly distinguished. It is a way of substituting the brand name for its own name. It's a fashion, now it's on everything and I imagine that in a while it won't be on anything. It seems original to me”, says the businessman.
María Jesús Carreras went this Tuesday to pick up her order at José Luis Gil's workshop. “I am making a bag for my sister and I want to embroider the initials. I have seen the idea on the internet and the truth is that since I liked it, I have asked them to do it for me”, he underlines.